Collaboration is important to our CDT and we welcome opportunities to work with industry and the wider community.
The Graphene NOWNANO CDT has established partnerships across academic institutions and industrial companies within the UK and globally, and showcases our research to local schools, colleges and general public to further support the next generation of scientists.
Working closely with our stakeholder partners we are able to provide our students with exciting opportunities to engage directly with people who have a keen interest in CDT research activities, providing both parties with opportunities to learn and build a network of invaluable contacts.
The most significant benefit of the programme has been the fact that it introduced me to many young scientists outside of my immediate research area and made starting discussions and sharing ideas far easier.
Thomas Lane / CDT graduate based in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
At a strategic level our partners act as critical friends to the CDT Management Board, assisting in focusing the CDT’s direction, providing financial investment and driving the CDT agenda forwards to keep our programme at the forefront of current graphene and 2D materials research.
Specifically, they help formulate research projects, share expertise, engage in training, provide a platform for showcasing current research, provide placement opportunities and support our student’s PhD journey as well as the next generation of graphene researchers.